Friday, February 14, 2014

Oh February, how I heart you!

February is the time of year I think I love the's when Spring has sprung, birds are singing their most romantic songs, plants are beginning to bloom their best flowers for our viewing pleasure, love is in the air with St. Valentine, the weather is sunny and cool and well of course the best part is my birthday (the 18th)!  Yippee for me!  :)

Nothing grandiose to write home about lately, just trying to get back into the swing of things after being sick with the flu for so long. Since the weather here in South Florida has been perfect to start planting, many of our landscape jobs came in during my down time, so we have been playing catch up with our schedule.  I think being cooped up inside forced my plant fever to flourish.  While I am at the nursery's picking up plants for our clients, I am also a few for me too, hee hee.  I am currently redesigning our front island and will be posting on the progress soon so stay tuned.

In the meantime here are a few things in our neck of the woods today...

Ornamental bananas, aloe blooms, dracena 'lemon-lime'
and green wart ferns growing as ground cover.

Where ever you may be in the world, I wish you lots of love on this St. Valentine's Day!
Happy Gardening and enjoy your weekend!